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Dear visitor

Welcome to the B-United website !
B-United is the name of the Brussels Airlines united pilot representation.
Being a small and often over-looked staff category, the 3 classic union delegations ( BBTK-SETCA, ACLVB - CSCLB and LBC-CNE ) have joined forces : 1 voice, one communication platform.
This website is the main communication tool !
It will contain the latest news, various information regarding union and management discussions and proposals. It will contains surveys on trending topics where we want YOU to make the difference.
Members can respond through a related forum to express your ideas and frustrations, in complete anonymity through use of a nickname. 
To sign up, leave your details by clicking "Your coordinates" on the home page's footer section. Once your affiliation with the Brussels Airlines full-term pilot group is established, you'll be granted access.
Non-registered visitors will only have access to the public info below.
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